Brain Breaks For HomeSchooling
Flying Yogis developed the YAMAS (Yoga & Mindfulness @ Schools) Program understanding the direct link between healthy, happy bodies and healthy, happy minds.
Knowing how important it is to take mini breaks inbetween intense study periods to refresh and recharge, we have created 10 Brain Break Sheets for children to either do on their own; or with siblings or parents. It’s ideal for homeschooling or studying for high school exams.
WHAT YOU’LL NEED A bit of space; a wall ; hula hoop; skip rope.
Become a Yogi?- invest in a Mat; block & belt- even a Yoga bolster will come in handy.
SALUTES TO THE SUN: follow our page that breaks it down- or check any of our kids yoga Youtube videos (search Flying Yogis)
STRETCHES & STRENGTH SKILLS. Start with 5 breathss per pose/ or on each side… then work up to 10 then 20 breaths
MEDITATION TIME: Relaxing and being still are the hardest challenges on our sheets!! Relaxing your breath and doing our simple meditation exercises will relieve anxiety and stress effectively.
Who knew it would take hours to get through the material and exercises. Who knew our children would rather be playing or doing ANYTHING rather than learning?
Flying Yogis have created a series of 10 Brain Break Sheets for children to either do on their own; or with siblings or parents when their brains need a recharge. It’s ideal for those homeschooling or studying for high school exams
We mix movement; challenges; games; Yoga Stretches; Core strengthening challenges to get young bodies and minds in tip top shape.

For More Info About How Yoga
Can Help School Students
visit our YAMAS pages.