
The Buddhist Way to Beat Bullies

The Buddhist Way to Beat Bullies- a meditation about forgiveness and compassion


This is a simple Buddhist meditation about compassion and forgiveness. Yes- forgiveness for that person who bullies you; who makes you feel uncomfortable; who undermines you; puts you down or has previously made you feel small. It’s part of our teenage Body Awareness & Confidence program for Teenagers- but bullying starts at a younger age- and can go on far longer than teenage years… so this meditation is relevant to everyone who has experienced the feeling. 

This is a very powerful meditation and can bring up some strong emotions. But you only need to practice it a couple of times to master your mind in respect to how you feel about those people. 

This meditation is a part of our 6 part body confidence program for teens. It includes discussions; healthy active yoga practices and life changing guided meditations for tween and teenage children. You can get a $26 discount on the program if you quote the discount code: YTMeditationDC

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